The Most Terrible Bridges of the World

The Most Terrible Bridges of the World

The Most Terrible Bridges of the World

They look like they are deadly. They creak and stagger into the wind, connects the tops of the rocks hangingabove the river, teeming with crocodiles, and runs through the jungle

The Most Terrible Bridges of the World
  Bridge midday Pick (Pont de l'Aiguile du Midi)  - France. Alp Aiguille du Midi (Aiguille du Midi) in the western part of the massif of Mont Blanc. To get to the bridge connecting the two rocks together, you need to climb by cable carto the 2000-meter height. The bridge itself is very short, but those who suffer from acrophobia, he can seemendless!
The Most Terrible Bridges of the World
King's Bridge Gorge (Colorado, USA).

Built in 1929, this bridge is located on the Arkansas River. This bridge is a popular tourist attraction. The bridgeis 384 meters, width - 5,5 m.
The Most Terrible Bridges of the World
 Suspension Bridge Hussaini (Pakistan).

Is the most dangerous suspension bridge in the world.
This bridge is very old and narrow, and most of its planks are missing.

The Most Terrible Bridges of the World
Hinged bridge Trift, Switzerland

One of the longest and highest in the Alps pedestrian suspension bridges, Trift was built not so long ago - in2004, although modern design does not make the bridge less scary. In 2009, the construction of the bridge has been redesigned with the addition of new stabilizing steel ropes and higher handrails - Trift have not shaken so violently in the wind, but still included in the list of the worst bridges in the world.

The location of the bridge: Thrift glacial lake in the Swiss Alps, near the town Gadmen

The height and length of the bridge: 100 meters in height and 170 meters in length

The Most Terrible Bridges of the World
The history of the rope bridge Carrick-a-Rede with him no one has yet fallen, but many travelers who managed to cross the bridge once, just can not decide to return to him the same - and so returned back to the point of departure for boats. In the past, however, the famous bridge was even worse - built by local fishermen, heading for the island to catch salmon, which was originally provided for the bridge railing on one side only. When theCarrick-a-Rede won the first popular with tourists looking for thrills
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